Pass the Salesforce Mobile Exam with Confidence: The Most Up-to-date Salesforce Mobile Study Materials Are Recommended

Pass the Salesforce Mobile Exam with Confidence: The Most Up-to-date Salesforce Mobile Study Materials Are Recommended

We now have full confidence to help you pass the Salesforce Moobile exam successfully. The most up-to-date Salesforce Mobile study materials are available. Our Salesforce Mobile study materials are based on the latest exam objectives and include valid exam questions and answers to help you prepare for the Salesforce Mobile exam. With our study materials, you’ll have access to comprehensive knowledge and hands-on experience to excel in your Salesforce Mobile career.

Come here to read Salesforce Mobile free demo questions first:

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1. What is the correct term of this OAuth component definition: A value used by the consumer to gain access to protected resources on behalf of the user.

2. The Salesforce mobile app uses certain permissions to regulate which data is available for users.

Which of the following is NOT used by the app to regulate acces?

3. What is the correct term of this OAuth component definition: A value used by the consumer―in this case, the Mobile SDK app―to identify itself to Salesforce. Referred to as client_id.

4. What is the Mobile App Attack Surface?

5. What Mobile Appsec Term is defined here? A software intermediary that allows two apps to talk to each other

6. True or False? If the underlying reports are already generated users will be able to create Dashboard Components from the SF App.

7. True or False? Knowledge Users will be able to edit and create new Knowledge Articles from the Mobile App.

8. When a connected app employs a Refresh Token, what does Salesforce return?

9. Is the following security mechanism used to protect data at Rest or in Transit? Checksums

10. True or False? Tasks are NOT available in the Salesforce Mobile App.


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