Choose ITPrepare’s A00-231 Dumps & Download A00-231 SAS Base Exam Questions and Answers PDF

Choose ITPrepare’s A00-231 Dumps & Download A00-231 SAS Base Exam Questions and Answers PDF

Choose ITPrepare’s A00-231 dumps as the learning materials to prepare well for the SAS 9.4 Base Programming — Performance-based exam. We have collected all these 262 practice exam questions and answers in a pdf file for downloading, then you can practice all A00-231 SAS exam questions and answers before attending the actual SAS Base A00-231 exam. To extend your preparation, it is best to practice a lot more through the help of the A00-231 dumps pdf, and also you will be capable of passing your SAS 9.4 Base Programming — Performance-based exam at the same time.

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1. The following SAS program is submitted:

proc sort data = work.employee;

by descending fname;

proc sort data = work.salary;

by descending fname;

data work.empdata;

merge work.employee


by fname;


Why does the program rail to execute?

2. The following SAS program is submitted:

data work.empsalary;

set work.people (in = inemp) (in = insal);

if insal and inemp;


The SAS data set WORKPEOPLE has 5 observations, and the data set WORKMONEY has 7 observations.

How many observations will the data set WORK.EMPSALARY contain?

3. Read the table:

Given the SAS data set SASUSER.HOUSES:









6TWOSTORY42.5102950 2000SOUTH

The following SAS program is submitted:

proc report data = sasuser.houses nowd headline;

column style price;

where price It 100000;

<insert DEFINE statement here>

define price / mean width = 9 format = dollar12.;



The following output is desired:

- style price

- CONDO$79,700

- TWOSTORY$62550

Which DEFINE statement completes the program and produces the desired output?

4. The following SAS program is submitted:

data one;

date = ‘04juI2005’d;

format date weekdate.; run;

proc print data = one; run;

What output is generated?

5. Given the following code:

proc print data=SASHELP.CLASS(firstobs=5 obs=15);

where Sex='M';


How many observations will be displayed?

6. The following SAS program is submitted;

data combine;

country = ‘Italy, Russia, ireland’;

found = find(country, ‘i’);


What is the value of the variable FOUND in the output data set?

7. 00100.00


Which option correctly completes the program and creates the report?

8. Given the raw data file AMOUNT:

----I---- 10---I----20---I----30


The following SAS program is submitted:

data test;

infile ‘amount’;

input@1 salary 6.;

if_error_then description = ‘Problems’;

else description = ‘No Problems’;


What is the result?

9. The following output is created by the FREQUENCY procedure:

Which TABLES statement was used to completed the following program that produced the output?

proc freq data=sales;



10. The following SAS program is submitted:

data test;

infile ‘file specification’;

input name $ amount@@;


Which of the following is true?


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