Certified Kubernetes Application Developer CKAD Questions Are Real For Learning

Certified Kubernetes Application Developer CKAD Questions Are Real For Learning

Are you familiar with the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) certification? It focuses on the skills required to be a successful Kubernetes Application Developer in the industry today. The CKAD certification certifies that candidates can design, build and deploy cloud-native applications for Kubernetes. The CKAD questions of ITPrepare are available, which are real for learning the actual questions and answers. Candidates get the best CKAD exam questions from ITPrepare to pass on the first try.

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Create a new deployment for running.nginx with the following parameters;

• Run the deployment in the kdpd00201 namespace. The namespace has already been created

• Name the deployment frontend and configure with 4 replicas

• Configure the pod with a container image of lfccncf/nginx:1.13.7

• Set an environment variable of NGINX__PORT=8080 and also expose that port for the container above



You have been tasked with scaling an existing deployment for availability, and creating a service to expose the deployment within your infrastructure.


Start with the deployment named kdsn00101-deployment which has already been deployed to the namespace kdsn00101 . Edit it to:

• Add the func=webFrontEnd key/value label to the pod template metadata to identify the

pod for the service definition

• Have 4 replicas

Next, create ana deploy in namespace kdsn00l01 a service that accomplishes the following:

• Exposes the service on TCP port 8080

• is mapped to me pods defined by the specification of kdsn00l01-deployment

• Is of type NodePort

• Has a name of cherry



A user has reported an aopticauon is unteachable due to a failing livenessProbe .


Perform the following tasks:

• Find the broken pod and store its name and namespace to /opt/KDOB00401/broken.txt in the format:

The output file has already been created

• Store the associated error events to a file /opt/KDOB00401/error.txt, The output file has already been created. You will need to use the -o wide output specifier with your command

• Fix the issue.



Anytime a team needs to run a container on Kubernetes they will need to define a pod within which to run the container.


Please complete the following:

• Create a YAML formatted pod manifest

/opt/KDPD00101/podl.yml to create a pod named app1 that runs a container named app1cont using image Ifccncf/arg-output

with these command line arguments: -lines 56 -F

• Create the pod with the kubect1 command using the YAML file created in the previous step

• When the pod is running display summary data about the pod in JSON format using the kubect1 command and redirect the output to a file named /opt/KDPD00101/out1.json

• All of the files you need to work with have been created, empty, for your convenience



✑ To run 2 replicas of the pod

✑ Add the following label on the pod:

Role userUI



1- Update the Propertunel scaling configuration of the Deployment web1 in the ckad00015 namespace setting maxSurge to 2 and maxUnavailable to 59

2- Update the web1 Deployment to use version tag 1.13.7 for the Ifconf/nginx container image.

3- Perform a rollback of the web1 Deployment to its previous version



You are tasked to create a ConfigMap and consume the ConfigMap in a pod using a volume mount.


Please complete the following:

• Create a ConfigMap named another-config containing the key/value pair: key4/value3

• start a pod named nginx-configmap containing a single container using the nginx image, and mount the key you just created into the pod under directory /also/a/path



A project that you are working on has a requirement for persistent data to be available.


To facilitate this, perform the following tasks:

• Create a file on node sk8s-node-0 at /opt/KDSP00101/data/index.html with the content Acct=Finance

• Create a PersistentVolume named task-pv-volume using hostPath and allocate 1Gi to it, specifying that the volume is at /opt/KDSP00101/data on the cluster's node. The configuration should specify the access mode of ReadWriteOnce . It should define the StorageClass name exam for the PersistentVolume , which will be used to bind PersistentVolumeClaim requests to this PersistenetVolume.

• Create a PefsissentVolumeClaim named task-pv-claim that requests a volume of at least 100Mi and specifies an access mode of ReadWriteOnce

• Create a pod that uses the PersistentVolmeClaim as a volume with a label app: my-storage-app mounting the resulting volume to a mountPath /usr/share/nginx/html inside the pod



Create a Deployment named expose in the existing ckad00014 namespace running 6 replicas of a Pod. Specify a single container using the ifccncf/nginx: 1.13.7 image

Add an environment variable named NGINX_PORT with the value 8001 to the container then expose port 8001



A pod is running on the cluster but it is not responding.


The desired behavior is to have Kubemetes restart the pod when an endpoint returns an HTTP 500 on the /healthz endpoint. The service, probe-pod, should never send traffic to the pod while it is failing.

Please complete the following:

• The application has an endpoint, /started, that will indicate if it can accept traffic by returning an HTTP 200. If the endpoint returns an HTTP 500, the application has not yet finished initialization.

• The application has another endpoint /healthz that will indicate if the application is still working as expected by returning an HTTP 200. If the endpoint returns an HTTP 500 the application is no longer responsive.

• Configure the probe-pod pod provided to use these endpoints

• The probes should use port 8080


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